Environment, Recycling & Roads / Dailly Parish

Environment, Recycling & Roads

Dailly Parish Environment, Recycling & Roads

Dog Fouling

Please pick up after your dog. Dog fouling is becoming a big problem, a lot of complaints. There bins available , but please let us know if you think there should be more.
South Ayrshire Council website offers comprehensive information on local initatiuves to combat this problem, advice on responsible pet ownership and reports on recent penalties. For further information, please follow this LINK.
You may report dog fouling incidents using an online form on the South Ayrshire Council website.Please follow this LINK

If you wish to complain, please contact: Environmental Health – 01292 618222, or Connie on 01292 616191,or email: constance.lobban@south-ayrshire.gov.uk.


Green and blue bins will be collected on alternate Mondays
Brown bin (garden waste) will be collected on a Tuesday as per your calendar.
Food waste will be collected every Thursday.
View household waste calendar
Recycling centres and recycling points

Select your local recycling centre to view the opening times and details of what can be recycled:

  • Girvan Recycling Centre
  • Maybole Recycling Centre
  • Report fly-tipping
  • You can report a problem with fly-tipping, call 0300 123 0900.

Road, Pavement and Lighting Faults

Everyone should make an effort to report on the Ayrshire Roads Alliance website when they encounter potholes or other road issues:
You may report faults online through the South Ayrshire Website uisng the following LINK
You can also report problems by telephone on 0300 123 0900 (24 Hours).
Faults relating to trunk roads (A77 and A78) should be reported to AMEY Highways on 0800 085 7136.

Report faults and defects to:
Or phone: 01563 503 160
Or South Ayrshire Council phone: 0300 123 0900
Or via South Ayrshire Council website at:

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