Notices / Dailly Parish

Community Action Plan

December 8, 2021by DaillyParishCommunity News

Community Action Plan

Come along on Dec 8th to have your say on the priorities and projects that go into our Community Action Plan – drop in between 2:30 and 7:30 PM at the Community Centre. As well as shaping the future of the village and how our funds from Hadyard Hill are invested, you’ll get a chance to:

💸Hear from @vasaayr about mental wellbeing funds available now 

📢Pick up information on clubs, groups and things to do in Dailly

🎨See @daillyprimaryschool creative vision for Dailly in 20 years’ time

🎁Win one of two prize hampers!

Fire & Smoke Alarms: Changes to the Law

December 2, 2021by DaillyParishCommunity News

Fire & Smoke Alarms: Changes to the Law

In association with the Scottish Fire & Rescue Service the Health and Social Care Partnership are hosting an online event to talk about the changes to the law, please see below for full details and if anyone is interested in attending the event please can you email the and we will arrange for a link to be sent out:

Fire and smoke alarms: changes to the law

The law on fire alarms is changing from February 2022 which means all Scottish homes will need to have interlinked alarms.

Guidance for homeowners will be available from our guest speaker Maxine Lamb, Community Safety Advocate, Scottish Fire & Rescue Service on 15 December 2021 at 1400 hours via Microsoft Teams.

Maxine will be discussing the following points:

  • New interlinked detection that comes into force in February 2022.
  • Promoting a Home Fire Safety Visit for your own home.
  • Fire action plan.
  • Questions

Local Art Project: Public Engagement Info

December 2, 2021by DaillyParishCommunity News

Local Art Project: Public Engagement Info

Dear Key Workers,

We would like to thank each and every one of you for your hard and endless work to support and care for your community throughout the Covid-19 Pandemic. 

A new public artwork is currently being created by local artist Kathryn Hanna, in partnership with South Ayrshire Council. This artwork ‘Pathways’ intends to appreciate, represent and recognise key workers, through the difficult period of the ongoing Covid-19 Pandemic. 

The artwork will showcase a selection of quotes from key workers in response to the question. ‘What keeps you going through the Covid-19 Pandemic? Please share your wise words/proverbs/thoughts’ 

We are keen to hear from all key workers including those ‘behind the scenes’ workers/volunteers who may not often get recognised for their contribution to keeping the public safe and services running. 

If you would like to make a contribution to the project please send you response to:


SMS: 07702 662 859

DEADLINE: 13/12/21

Privacy Notice: 

*Please note your responses may be edited by the artist to fit the constraints of the artwork.

Community Action Plan

November 1, 2021by DaillyParishCommunity News

Community Action Plan

Survey extended to November 21st: go to or pick up your copy at McColls or the Community Centre and drop it in one of the boxes there. Another date for the diary: on Wednesday December 8th, come and see the findings and help shape the Action Plan for the village. More to come soon on that! 

About us

Welcome to the Dailly Parish community website!

​​The latest news will soon be displayed on this page so keep checking back for the latest local information for locals and visitors alike!