Notices old / Dailly Parish


Dailly Parish Notices

Do you want to be part of this?

Improving the daily trails network, getting them used more – how about a walking festival?

Well let’s meet up
Dailly scout hall
Monday 2 Jully at 7PM
Have a cup of tea, Share Ideas

Dailly Community Garden

Open daily 10.00am – 3.00pm.
Dogs on leads allowed – please pick up any dog mess.
Also note that there is no short-cut through the Garden to the River.
Thank you
Garden Committee

Amaze me Leader

Sun 5th August to Sun 12th August 2018. If you live in rural mainland Ayrshire and are between 18-30 then get involved!

No previous experience needed! Following an amazing event in Finland in 2017, Dumfries and Galloway LEADER ( in partnership with Sleeping Giants ( are very excited to host 60 young people age 18-30 from across Europe as part of this year’s week-long Amaze Me LEADER event. This will include 20 young people from Dumfries and Galloway, 20 young people from Finland and 20 places spread equally between Scotland and other LEADER Local Action Group areas. As 2018 is the Year of the Young Person in Scotland, this provides an excellent springboard to highlight and to promote the value and contribution that young people can make to the development of the economic, social and environmental sustainability of our rural communities. If you’re aged 18-29 you can apply to participate. If you are selected, you’ll be split into a team and given your own people carrier to drive across Dumfries and Galloway, completing quests and adventures along the way and unlocking new potential and visions for a more sustainable, conscious, and exciting life in rural communities. To apply, click through the Eventbrite form here:…

Scottish Rural Parliament 2018

14th– 16th November in Stranraer “Taking Action”
The Scottish Rural Parliament brings together people from rural communities with decision-makers, for three days of celebration and exploration. Participants examine a wide-range of issues affecting rural communities and make recommendations for change.

I learned new things, was exposed to new ideas about eliciting information and commitment from people and I enjoyed the buzz that was created at the event and being part of it.

​Anyone who lives or works in rural Scotland, or who makes decisions which affect rural Scotland, can attend the Scottish Rural Parliament. It is free for people from community organisations to attend.

​We aim to ensure that each region of Scotland is well represented and that there is a good mix of people with different backgrounds and interests.

The Rural Parliament has the feel of something with enormous potential. It could become a brilliant opportunity to translate community empowerment into action.

​                              click on link to Scottish Rural parliament website

About us

Welcome to the Dailly Parish community website!

The latest news will soon be displayed on this page so keep checking back for the latest local information for locals and visitors alike!