HSCP Engagement Officer Communications
October 13, 2021by DaillyParishCommunity News
HSCP Engagement Officer Communications
Place Planning
South Ayrshire Council are preparing further ‘Place Plans’, this time for the South Carrick villages, as part of their Thriving Places project. If you live or work in any of these communities, they would like to hear your views and ideas for the future. The consultations close on Friday 12 November and you can take part here.
Baby Loss Awareness Week (BLAW)
Next week (8 to 15 October) is Baby Loss Awareness Week (BLAW), when people world-wide acknowledge the scale and impact of pregnancy and baby loss. We’ll be showing our support by taking part in the ‘Wave of Light’ when we illuminate The Wallace Tower in blue and pink as the week comes to a close on the evening of Friday 15 October. If you would like to find out about the support offered by the BLAW Alliance you can do so by visiting their website.
British Red Cross
The British Red Cross recently launched their new service, ‘Connecting with You’, which offers support to anyone experiencing issues associated with loneliness. The service may be especially suitable for people on the highest risk list (previously the COVID-19 shielding list) who call the National Assistance Helpline or Local Authority helplines. The support offered can be tailored to individual needs and could include weekly phone calls; online support; in-person meetings; support with getting into new or old hobbies and interests; and help with meeting new people or getting back in touch with old friends. ‘Connecting With You’ is available to all people aged 18 or over in Scotland and be accessed online or by phone on 07709 502127 (Monday to Friday between 10.00 am and 4.00 pm).
The Ayrshire Hospice
The Ayrshire Hospice are looking for new trustees. This essential local facility provides specialist palliative care and services to people affected by life-limiting illness across Ayrshire. The hospice not only takes care of people’s physical needs – they also look after their emotional, spiritual and social needs too. Now in its fourth decade and set to embark on a transformational upgrade of its core facilities, there’s never been a more exciting time to join the Ayrshire Hospice team. If you’d like to find out more please visit the hospice’s Trustee Microsite.
Fire and Smoke Alarms – changes to the law
Every home in Scotland must have interlinked fire alarms by
February 2022. These
can be either mains-wired or tamper-proof battery alarms.Being interlinked
means if one alarm goes off, they all go off. You may not always hear the
alarm closest to the fire, especially if you’re somewhere else in the house. An
interlinked system will alert you immediately.
Please see information for home owners, tenants (private), tenants (public sector and council) and fire safety for new build homes at: Make sure your home is fire safe – mygov.scot
New Service Leaflets – Sensory Impaired Support Group (SISG)
Attached are 3 new leaflets detailing services of all Community Hearing Support Hubs, Battery Pick Up Points and Peer Support Groups available in South Ayrshire.
Invitation – Adult
Social Work Learning Review
South Ayrshire HSCP is currently carrying out an Adult Social Work Learning
Review. In order to help evaluate services currently offered we want to hear
from individuals who has used Adult Social Work Services and/or their carers.
An online survey is currently open for anyone who wishes to provide feedback, click here to access.
A number of focus groups have also been arranged to gather feedback, if you wish to attend any of the below sessions please contact to book a space in advance to allow for social distancing requirements: 01292 319272 or julie.mitchell@south-ayrshire.gov.uk
- 18 October 2021 10 am – 12 noon at Panrock Court, Sheltered Housing, Troon.
- 20 October 2021 10 am -12 noon at Crosne Street, Sheltered Housing Maybole.
- 22 October 2021 10 am – 12 noon at Newton Park Court, Ayr.
Sessions are open to all individuals and carers please help distribute this information to your networks.
COVID-19 Early Years Resilience and Impact Survey – Round 3
Coronavirus hasn’t gone away. Life is still difficult for some people. Public Health Scotland are running a third national survey to find out how the pandemic is continuing to affect young families. If you are a parent/carer of a child aged 0–11 old please complete it. Click here to access the survey.