2021 / 09

Activity Centre Association AGM

September 30, 2021by DaillyParishCommunity News




Notice is hereby given that the 4th AGM of Dailly Community Activity Centre Association Limited

As far as possible we will be holding the AGM in person at the Activity Centre on Tuesday 12 October 2021 at 7.00 pm

Business will include Report by the Chair, consideration of Annual Accounts and Election/Re-election of Directors

All DCACA Ltd Members are invited to attend the AGM

If you would like to attend, please advise the Centre Manager

Consultant for Project Support Required

September 30, 2021by DaillyParishCommunity News

Consultant for Project Support Required

Consultant for project support required for community led tourism projects by The Girvan Town Team

Closing Date for Applications is 8th October. Interviews will be held on either 14th or 15th October, applicants must be available. To apply, please send C.V. and covering letter to chris@creetowninitiative.co.uk

The contract will be with Girvan Town Team and the consultant will report to the Community Led Tourism Sub-Group of the Girvan Town Team (GTT) and to the delivery partner, Creetown Initiative. The opportunity is offered as a self-employed contract at a rate of £15 per hour plus £1,000 total expenses. The expectation is that the post-holder will work 17.5 hours per week. This is a fixed term contract until the end of March 2022 but could be extended subject to available funding and performance. Primary responsibilities are listed below and should be used in tandem with the identified Community Led Tourism Priorities.

Project Support Key Tasks:

Support the Community Led Tourism (CLT) Steering Group to project manage and deliver a range of projects to improve Girvan and its tourism offer.

Assist the CLT Steering Group to prepare relevant funding applications for projects.

Liaise with community groups, statutory organisations and businesses when required in the delivery of the projects.

Attend fortnightly steering group meetings and prepare meeting minutes.

Work with the CLT Steering Group and Creetown Initiative to create the Girvan Community Led Tourism Action Plan.

Use social media to promote the Community Led Tourism projects.

React to new opportunities which could be either projects or funding.

Submission of weekly timesheets.

There may be other tasks required and will be directed by the Steering Group or Creetown Initiative.

Consultant Specification, Professional Skills & Experience:


•             Good communication skills, oral and written.

•             Ability to effectively present oral and written reports and information to a wide variety of audiences.

•             Experience of working with and engaging with people from different age groups.

•             Good organisational skills and the ability to set and achieve realistic targets, meet deadlines, manage your own work-load, and work well on your own initiative.

•             Ability to work as a member of a team and to work effectively with volunteers.

•             High standard of computer literacy with experience of using various social media channels.

•             Positive attitude, flexible, including the willingness to adapt to the needs of the support role including working flexible hours if required.

·                     Project management and project delivery experience.

•             Current driving licence and access to a car with appropriate insurance cover.


•             Knowledge of Girvan

·                     Tourism experience

For more information contact Chris Ward chris@creetowninitiative.co.uk or Rhona@girvantownteam.scot

Communication from HSCP

September 27, 2021by DaillyParishCommunity News

Communication from HSCP

National Care Service Engagement Event
South Ayrshire Health & Social Care Partnership and Voluntary Action South Ayrshire (VASA) are facilitating an online engagement event on the National Care Service Consultation. This will be the biggest consultation our services are likely to be involved with and your views are vital to this process.

We want as many people as possible in South Ayrshire to take part in the National Care Service consultation – especially people who work in the Third and Independent Sectors, Community Groups, Carers, and the Health and Social Care Partnership.

Scottish Government colleagues will join us to provide an overview and focus on the proposal and provide discussion on your views.

The event will take place online on Tuesday 5th October 2.30 pm – 4.30 pm. To register for a place please click here.

The Herbert Protocol

Police Scotland is encouraging the friends and family of people living with dementia to sign up to the Herbert Protocol.

The protocol is a form which family members or carers complete for a person living with dementia or at risk of going missing. The form can be downloaded from the Police Scotland website, or a copy can be requested from local Health & Social Care Partnership staff, or other agencies, including Alzheimer Scotland.

It enables police officers to quickly obtain vital information about vulnerable people who have been reported missing, and provides personal details, medical history, significant locations and information about previous incidents of going missing. The protocol can be printed out and stored in a safe, easily accessible place in the person’s home or kept by a family member electronically.

You can find out more about the Herbert Protocol here

Access to free sanitary products in South Ayrshire

SAC are working in partnership with the Scottish Government and Hey Girls to increase the number and range of places where free sanitary products are available.

Free sanitary products are already available in a range of places, such as local libraries, community centres and some third sector organisations across South Ayrshire. You can find a full list of where products are available on our website.

Reusable sanitary products can now also be delivered to South Ayrshire residents’ homes for free. If you’d like to order reusable products, please complete this short form.

Organ and Tissue Donation Week 20-26 September

As Organ and Tissue Donation Week gets underway, people are being encouraged to leave no doubt about their donation decision.

Everyone has a choice under Scotland’s opt out system of organ and tissue donation – to be a donor or opt out of donation. Whatever you decide, it’s important to make it known.

If people haven’t recorded a decision about donation, then it will be assumed they have agreed to donate certain organs and tissue for transplantation, unless they are in a group for whom the law doesn’t apply.

People can record their decision on the NHS Organ Donor Register at any time, but it’s also important to discuss that donation decision with family and friends.

Families are always involved in the donation process, and leaving them with no doubt about your wishes can make it easier to ensure your decision is honoured.

Find out more and register your donation decision at www.organdonationscotland.org or call 0300 123 23 23. #OrganDonationWeek

Connecting with You

Connecting with You is a new service run by the British Red Cross. It’s available to all people aged 18 or over in Scotland who are experiencing issues associated with loneliness. Support will depend on needs and what is available in the area. It could include things like:

·         weekly phone calls to check in;

·         online support;

·         in-person meetings;

·         support getting into new or old hobbies and interests;

·         help meeting new people, or getting back in touch with people you already know.

To arrange a phone conversation about what kind of support would be most helpful, contact the British Red Cross by phone on 07709502127 (Monday – Friday, 10am – 4pm. Calls charged at your standard network rate) or by email at connecting-withyou@redcross.org.uk

ARA Shalloch Park HGV Park Works – Saturday 2nd & Sunday 3rd October 2021

September 27, 2021by DaillyParishCommunity News

ARA Shalloch Park HGV Park Works – Saturday 2nd & Sunday 3rd October 2021

Please note that ARA require to install temporary traffic signals on A77 with Amey Highways authorisation to complete kerbing and resurfacing works at the HGV park at Shalloch Park south of Girvan as shown on the attached Works Location Plan.

The signals will be manually controlled by on-site operatives (Glenmavis Traffic Management) to allow the best traffic flow as required paying special attention to ferry traffic in both directions – see TM00238 Plan attached.

Works will be from 0930-1530 both days and advance warning signs of works will be installed at the location in both directions by Friday of this week.

B741 – Dailly – Straiton – road closure, resurfacing

September 21, 2021by DaillyParishCommunity News

B741 – Dailly – Straiton – road closure, resurfacing

B741 Dailly – Straiton (Woodside to Aird Bridge))

(Temporary Road Closure) Order 2021

Carriageway resurfacing

Road closed from B741 Dailly – Straiton, from the junction with Woodside, north-eastwards to a point in the vicinity of Moorston, a distance of approximately 2000 metres.

From Monday 20th September – road is expected to only be closed between 08:00 and 17:00 hours each day with the road open outwith these times until anticipated completion by 17:00 hours on Friday 15th October 2021.

The days and times of the works may be dependent upon the weather conditions.

An alternative route suitable for all through traffic will be signed via the B741, C29 Ruglen, level crossing, Wallacetown towards Dailly and Woodside; or from Dailly via the B741 to A77 south to Girvan Hospital roundabout, B734 towards Old Dailly and the B7035.


September 17, 2021by DaillyParishCommunity News


Amey, on behalf of Transport Scotland as part of the Network Management Contract for the South-West Trunk Road Unit, are undertaking essential maintenance to improve roadside hazard protection on the A77 at Smithston Rail Bridge from Monday 20th September until Saturday 17th October 2021.

A southbound lane closure at this location will be in place 24/7 between Monday 20th September and Sunday 3rd October 2021, operating under temporary traffic signal control. From Sunday 3rd October until Sunday 17th October 2021 a night-time total closure will be required between the hours of 8pm and 6am, each night. Traffic will follow a signed diversion route with A77 southbound traffic diverted to exit via Doonholm Road, south of Ayr and will proceed on the A719. Traffic will be able to rejoin the A77 at Turnberry and diversion will end. A77 northbound traffic will follow the same diversion route but in reverse. Daytime traffic controls will remain in operation until the scheme’s completion. We thank road users for their patience while this essential maintenance is underway.

Our operatives will follow strict physical distancing and hygiene protocols throughout the programme, in line with the Scottish Government’s COVID-19 guidance.

Please note, all schemes are weather dependent and may be cancelled or rescheduled if weather conditions are not favourable.

Public Exhibition for the Proposed Knockcronal Wind Farm

September 13, 2021by DaillyParishCommunity News

Public Exhibition for the Proposed Knockcronal Wind Farm

The second Public Exhibition for the proposed Knockcronal Wind Farm will run between 14 September and 5 October 2021.  As Covid-19 restrictions have eased we are pleased to be holding two in person local drop-in sessions on Tuesday 21 September and Wednesday 22 September. 

For the second exhibition there are a number of ways that local members of the community can find out more about the development over the exhibition period:

  • The online exhibition will be available for 3 weeks from 14 September to 5 October at www.knockcronal.co.uk
  • We are hosting two in person drop in session events:
    • Dailly Community Hall, Dailly: 21 September 2021 2pm – 7pm
    • McCandlish Hall, Straiton:  22 September 2021 2pm – 7pm

To manage Covid-19 risks at the exhibitions we are operating an appointment system. Please book your appointment via the online exhibition which you will be able to do at www.knockcronal.co.uk  from 14 September, or by booking an appointment at 0800 772 0668

  • One online chat session:  5 October 2021 12 noon – 2pm

On the exhibition website, you will find more information about the project via an online exhibition brochure.  In addition, you will also be able to see photomontages illustrating what the proposed development may look like from viewpoints agreed with South Ayrshire Council and NatureScot (formerly SNH) and a viewpoint requested by Crosshill, Straiton and Kirkmichael Community Council, in the predicted views brochure online.  Finally, you will also have the opportunity to submit questions to the project team, fill in a feedback form to let us know your views on the project or if someone would prefer to talk to a member of the project team, they can request a call back.

The exhibition sessions will be similar to Public Exhibitions held before Covid-19 Restrictions.  There will be exhibition boards with project information and the opportunity for you to ask the team questions.  In addition, there will be photomontages from a selection of local viewpoints and there will be an opportunity to view what the proposed development may look like from your home or other location of choice in the area.  To manage Covid-19 risks we are operating an appointment system, bookings can be made via our website (www.knockcronal.co.uk) or via telephone on 0800 772 0668.  We have carried out a full risk assessment for the events, as requested by South Ayrshire Council, and these have been accepted for both exhibition events.

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