2019 / 10


October 7, 2019by DaillyParishCommunity News


I write to notify you that South Ayrshire Council has published a proposed replacement local development plan for South Ayrshire (PLDP2) for public consultation.

PLDP2 is a concise, spatial, land use planning document, which sets out the Council’s settled view of how it envisages South Ayrshire will be developed over the ten year period from its adoption, a revised planning policy framework and a broad indication of the scale and location of growth in the area over a further ten years. When adopted, PLDP2 will supersede the adopted South Ayrshire Local Development Plan (2014) and Town Centre and Retail Local Development Plan (2017), becoming the planning policy framework against which all development proposals will be assessed.

PLDP2 and associated documents, including an Environmental Report, may be viewed (1) in electronic format, on the Council’s website at www.south-ayrshire.gov.uk/planning/; or (2) in printed format at (a) all public libraries in South Ayrshire, during normal opening hours, (b) all Council Customer Service Centres, during normal opening hours and (c) Burns House, Burns Statue Square, Ayr, KA7 1UT, between 08:45-16:45, Mondays to Thursdays, and between 08:45-16:00 on Fridays (excluding public holidays). The Environmental Report is only available to view on-line at www.south-ayrshire.gov.uk/planning/ or at Burns House during the specified hours.

The Consultation period for PLDP2 and associated Environmental Report will run from 25 September 2019 until 15 November 2019.

To assist members of the public in understanding PLDP2 and how it was prepared, public exhibitions will be held at the following venues and times:

Town Date Time of Exhibition Venue Planning Officers In Attendance
Troon Monday, 30 September 2019 10am- 6.30pm Troon Library, 5 South Beach, Troon KA10 6EF 4-6pm
Prestwick Friday, 4 October 2019 10am- 6.30pm Prestwick Community Centre, 50 Caerlaverock Road, Prestwick KA9 1HP 4-6pm
Girvan Monday, 7 October 2019 11.15am-1pm and 2pm -6.30pm Girvan Library, Montgomerie Street, Girvan KA26 9HE 4-6pm
Ayr Tuesday, 8 October 2019 10am -6.30pm Carnegie Library, 12 Main Street, Ayr KA8 8EB 4-6pm
Maybole Thursday, 10 October 2019 10am -6.30pm Carrick Centre, Culzean Road, Maybole, KA19 7DE 4-6pm
Ayr Tuesday, 22 October 2019 10am – 4.45pm Burns House, Burns Statue Square, Ayr, KA7 1UT 2.30-4.30pm

Planning officers will be available at each venue during the times specified in the table above, to answer questions, clarify aspects of the Plan, and provide advice on how to make formal representations on its content.

If the Community Councils wishes to make representations on PLDP2, it should do so, on-line at www.south-ayrshire.gov.uk/planning/ , by 16:00 on 15 November 2019.

Expressions of opinion on the Environmental Report may be submitted by e-mail to localdevelopmentplans@south-ayrshire.gov.uk or, in writing, to the above address, by 16:00 on 15 November 2019, stating clearly that they relate to the Environmental Report only.

If you require further information, please contact the Development Planning & Customers Team on 01292 616693 during the opening hours for Burns House specified above.

Stumpy Corner Public Consultation

October 7, 2019by DaillyParishCommunity News

Stumpy Corner Public Consultation

Volunteers of Stumpy Corner Steering Group invite you to our public consultation to see our plans to regenerate The Stumpy Corner and for you to give us your views.
Saturday 5th October – 10am to 1pm
Sunday 6th October – 12noon to 3pm
At Stumpy Corner


October 7, 2019by DaillyParishCommunity News


Under Section 22 of the above Act, planning authorities may adopt and issue guidance in connection with a local development plan, such guidance being referred to as supplementary guidance.  Regulation 27 of the above Regulations requires supplementary guidance (SG) to deal only with the provision of further information or detail in respect of the policies or proposals set out in that local development plan.  Before adopting supplementary guidance, a planning authority is required to publicise its publication, afford interested persons the opportunity of submitting representations on that guidance and consider any representations duly made before adopting and issuing the guidance.  

On the 27 June 2019, South Ayrshire Council approved for publication and public consultation the Proposed Replacement South Ayrshire Local Development Plan 2 (PLDP2) and associated draft Supplementary Guidance: (1) Housing Site Design Briefs; and (2) Maintaining an Effective Housing Land Supply.  These draft supplementary guidance documents are linked to PLDP2 Policy: maintaining and protecting land for housing and can only be adopted once LDP2 is adopted.  When adopted, the SGs will form part of the adopted local development plan, and have equivalent status in determining planning applications.

The Council is seeking the views of interested parties on the content of the aforementioned draft SGs. PLDP2 is the subject of a parallel consultation process.

The draft SGs may be viewed: (1) in electronic format, on the Council’s website at: www.south-ayrshire.gov.uk/planning/; or (2) in print format, at (a) all public libraries and Council Customer Contact Centres in South Ayrshire, during normal opening hours; and (b) at Burns House, Burns Statue Square, Ayr, KA7 1UT, between 08:45-16:45 Mondays to Thursdays and between 08:45-16:00 on Fridays (excluding public holidays).  The consultation period will run from 25 September 2019 until 15 November 2019.  

If you wish to make representations on either draft SG, please do so online, at: www.south-ayrshire.gov.uk/planning/ by 16:00 on 15 November 2019.  Comments on SG: Housing Site Design Briefs should be confined to the content of the individual Design Briefs for the proposed housing release sites: comments on the principle of using the proposed release sites for housing should be submitted through the parallel consultation on the PLDP2.

If you require further information, please contact the Development Planning & Customers Team on 01292 616693, during the opening hours for Burns House specified above.


Community and Dementia, Creating Better Lives in Ayrshire & Arran Conference

October 7, 2019by DaillyParishCommunity News

Community and Dementia, Creating Better Lives in Ayrshire & Arran Conference

Thursday 28th November 2019 Ayr Racecourse

Booking and more information on https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/community-and-dementia-creating-better-lives-in-ayrshire-arran-tickets-74092080407

Programme to date is below but please note this will be added to over the coming weeks;


  • Scams Prevention – Hamid
  • Carlton Hotel work and vAd Group – Rachael McLeod/Lorna Walker
  • Susan Holland – Carers Academy
  • Intergenerational Work – Anam Cara (Clare Mills)
  • Suggest we have the Tris-shaw as a lunch time activity (Lorna can this happen)
  • We can also offer elevator pitches at lunch time too (5 min max each one)


  • Alzheimer Scotland – Jim Baird – 1 stall
  • SA Dementia Support Association – Alex Murphy – 1 stall
  • SA Carers Centre – David Weir – 1 stall
  • Crossroads – need a contact – 1 stall
  • VASA – Marie Oliver – 1 stall
  • Technology Enabled Care – need a contact – 1 stall
  • Adult Support & Protection – Hamid – 1 stall
  • HIS/Fod – Michelle Miller – 1 stall
  • DF Prestwick/Troon/Maybole/Girvan – Julie, Elissa, Phil – 2 stalls
  • Gaiety Theatre – Jeremy Wyatt – 1 stall
  • HSCP SA – Phil/Stephen McCutheon – 1 stall
  • Police, SFS, Trading Standards/Scams – Hamid – 2 stalls
  • Arran CVS – Vicky Yuill – 1 stall
  • Life Changes Trust – Arlene Crockett – 1 stall
  • Kinections – Edel Roddy – 1 stall
  • Quarriers Befriending – Louise McGinty – 1 stall


October 7, 2019by DaillyParishCommunity News


7th December 2019
Marketplace Event 10am – 12pm (drop in event)
Members of the Public Welcome

Now’s your chance to secure up to £1,000 to help make a difference in your local community…and decide on which other community projects should be funded across Girvan and South Carrick Villages Locality!

Funding applications should be aligned to the following Girvan and South Carrick Locality Planning Group priorities:

  • Tackling Social Isolation & Loneliness
  • Tackling Drugs & Alcohol Issues
  • Promoting Good Mental Health

Funding bids should directly address one or more of these priorities.

For more information and or an application form contact;

Sharron Connolly, Community Engagement Officer,

Tel: 01292 612158 or email: sharron.connolly@south-ayrshire.gov.uk


Deadline for application: Sunday 10th November 2019

About us

Welcome to the Dailly Parish community website!

The latest news will soon be displayed on this page so keep checking back for the latest local information for locals and visitors alike!