2019 / 08

A77 Auchenblane – Resurfacing Works

August 13, 2019by DaillyParishCommunity News

A77 Auchenblane – Resurfacing Works

Further to initial consultation regarding the weekend closure for the A77 Auchenblane works, we’ve revised the proposed diversion route following comments from consultees who are affected by the works and associated diversion.

Due to concern raised by consultees, we are proposing to split the diversion, one for northbound traffic and one for southbound traffic in order to reduce any effect the diversion has on the communities.

The works on the A77 at Auchenblane, North of Kirkoswald,  are proposed to commence on 8pm Friday 16th of August until 6am Monday 19th of August, working under a full closure of the A77.

During these closures, northbound traffic will be diverted from Turnberry to Ayr via Maidens (A719), while southbound traffic will be diverted from Maybole to Girvan Via Crosshill/Dailly(B7023-B741-B734)– See attached diversion drawing.

The works involve resurfacing approximately 0.6 km of existing Trunk Road. Works are expected to be fully complete byMonday 19th August at 6am.

PLEASE NOTE – There will be no provision for windfarm / abnormal load movements through the works during the times stated above.

It should be noted that emergency services will not be affected by these works.

Common Good Consultation – Consultation Summary

August 5, 2019by DaillyParishCommunity News

Common Good Consultation – Consultation Summary

Notice of Consultation under Section 104 of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 and Section 24 (2A) of the Town and County Planning (Scotland) Act 1959.

Reason for Site Notice Being Displayed: Consultation on proposed change of use of common good land (Asset reference L405).

Proposed Appropriation of Land at: Victory Park, Girvan, K26 9DQ

Notice is hereby given of a PUBLIC CONSULTATION

In terms of Section 104 of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 local authorities are required to consult with the local community when planning to dispose of common good property, or change its use. South Ayrshire Council does NOT intend to dispose of common good property at Victory Park, Girvan. The Council is proposing the change of use of a specific section of said park, to provide a 3G artificial pitch suitable for rugby and football with the pitch complying fully with the requirements of World Rugby and FIFA. The works include; pitch construction, minor earthworks, drainage, fencing, floodlighting, footpath construction and landscaping. The carpet size is 116m x 73m and will comply with World Rugby Regulation 22 and FIFA Quality requirements. The proposal is to retain said section of the park within the Common Good for all time forthcoming.

South Ayrshire Council has approved a sum of £850,000 through the Capital Investment Programme for 2019/20 for the creation of an all-weather pitch in Girvan. An initial public consultation took place in Girvan Academy on 1st November 2018, to hear views on the need for a pitch, possible locations for a pitch and the best use to which a pitch could put. Seven locations were identified of which Victory Park was the most popular. The preferred location within Victory Park was also identified. Please download or see map below.

Description of Consultation process:

The Council invites responses to this consultation to be made online or in writing or by email by 06 September 2019. Thereafter, the Council will consider the responses, and publish on its website the Council’s response within eight weeks. Please note that all responses to the consultation will be published alongside the decision. If the Council’s decision is to proceed with the proposed appropriation of common good land, a petition will be lodged in the Sheriff Court at Ayr, seeking the court’s authority for the appropriation. Notification of the lodging of any such petition will be published in local newspapers and intimated to community councils in North and South Carrick including the date when the case will call in court. Any groups or individuals who wish to oppose the petition can attend court on that date to have their opposition noted. A further date, for an evidential hearing, will be assigned by the court. If the petition is granted any subsequent planning applications will then be considered by the Council and the Council will then seek tenders for the construction of the proposed all-weather pitch.

Details of the proposal may also be examined at the offices of Council at:

Newton House
Professional Design Services
30 Green Street Lane

Monday – Thursday 8.45am – 4.45pm
Friday 8.45am – 4.00pm

You can download the comments form and submit by by email to PDS@south-ayrshire.gov.uk or in writing to the above address by 06 September 2019.

Copies of the Comments Sheet can also be requested at Council offices in Girvan or by email from PDS@south-ayrshire.gov.uk

A77 Haggstone Climbing Lane

August 5, 2019by DaillyParishCommunity News

A77 Haggstone Climbing Lane

As part of Transport Scotland’s strategic trunk road management programme, Scotland TranServ will shortly resurface 2km of the A77 Haggstone Climbing Lane, north of Cairnryan.

In order to complete this £450k project as quickly and safely as possible, it will be necessary to implement a convoy traffic management system from Sunday 11th of August until Wednesday the 17th of August.

Adam Sarwar, Scotland TranServ’s project design lead on the resurfacing programme said:

“We have been working with the local community and key stakeholders to carefully schedule these important works for minimal impact on the area. Following our consultation, it was decided that works should be programmed for later in the summer in order to minimise disruption to those attending the Skiffie World championships in July.

“Consultation has also been carried out with local authorities, emergency services and businesses in order to reduce the impact on communities, freight traffic and holidaymakers using this important route. We would like to thank drivers for their patience while these works are completed.”

In order to complete these works as quickly and safely as possible, it will be necessary to operate a 24 hour convoy traffic management system during the following times:

  • 8pm on Sunday 11th of August until 6am on Wednesday the 17th of August

 Drivers, and particularly those using the Cairnryan ferry services, are advised to allow plenty of additional time for their journeys. Live trunk road updates are available by visiting trafficscotland.org, or by following @trafficscotland on Twitter. Further information is available on the Scotland TranServ website.

This investment into the A77 is one of a number of such programmes being carried out by Scotland TranServ across South West Scotland, supporting the economic growth and development of the area.

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