2019 / 03


March 14, 2019by DaillyParishCommunity News



20MPH THROUGH VILLAGE – CONSULTATIONThe Community Council had been asked by Ayrshire Roads Alliance whether we would like to be consulted on a 20mph speed restriction throughout the village.  In the interest of road safety, we said that we would like to be consulted. 

At the moment, having 20mph in villages is not in a Government Manifesto however it could possibly be in the future.  

Police Scotland see a 20mph area as self-enforcing, and in doing so require that calming measures must be in place.  Just having a 20mph flashing sign is not sufficient.  There are standards and guidelines that must be followed.  If 20mph were to be introduced within Dailly then calming measures would have to be incorporated in the village. 

From the plan you will see that there will be reducing speed from 30 to 20mph on all three entrances to the village.  You will notice that there will be traffic calming chicanes on Eldinton / Main Road, and Linfern Road.  These will slow the traffic, and will be sufficiently wide for lorries and trailers, and buses.  There will also be two flashing signs, positions of which could be changed.

The two larger speed bumps at the School will be actual crossing points.  These bumps will be shallower and longer, speed tables, with clearway between.  There will also be parking bays on the opposite side, see drawing.

There will be 20mph roundels on the village roads, and small discs on lamp posts, to remind people that they are in a 20mph zone.

Having these calming measures might deter the heavy goods vehicles making Dailly a short-cut route.

Now is the time to make comments, if changes are to be made.

Please look at the plan and make any necessary comment. View pdf plan

Please sign whether you are for or against having a 20mph speed restriction within the village.

A large AO plan will be available in the Community Centre and Activity Centre, and on Facebook.

Breeze Champion Training

March 14, 2019by DaillyParishCommunity News

Breeze Champion training comes to Ayrshire

Want to inspire more women to ride? HSBC UK Breeze needs you!

If you’re a confident female cyclist and want to encourage other women to cycle for fun and fitness, there’s no better time to become a volunteer Breeze Champion.

There is no cost in attending the course; in return participants deliver Breeze rides in their local area, supporting women to (re)discover the joys of cycling.

Date: Saturday 27th April

Venue: TBC

For more information and to sign up for a place visit: https://www.letsride.co.uk/beachampion 

If you have any questions please contact Melanie, Participation Programmes Officer at Scottish Cycling: melanie.toner@scottishcycling.org.uk 

Old Dailly SWI – March 20th

March 8, 2019by DaillyParishCommunity News


All welcome


Entertainment by
Crossraguel Choir 

WEDNESDAY 20th March 2019 


7.00 pm

 Raffle & Tea/Coffee

March Competitions
1.Simnel Cake
Decorated egg 

Visitors/Non Members Welcome – £4.00 per night

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