2018 / 11

Good Life, Good Death, Good Grief

November 27, 2018by adminDailly News

“To Absent Friends has really captured people’s imaginations since we started it in 2014,” says Robert Peacock of Good Life, Good Death, Good Grief, the alliance of organisations behind the festival. “There have been some very poignant and moving events, as well as many lighter moments shared. Just because someone has died doesn’t mean they are not a part of our lives any more. They are there in our stories and memories. The festival gives people time and space to remember those people – whether it’s just raising a glass, or something more formal. In this day and age, we don’t often stop and do that.”  

To Absent Friends will take place across Scotland from 1 – 7 November 2018. For further information contact Robert Peacock on  or 0131 272 2735.

Robert Peacock
Development Manager
Good Life, Good Death, Good Grief

Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care
CBC House
24 Canning Street

Tel: 0131 272 2735
Fax 0131 272 2800


Public Meetings

November 27, 2018by adminDailly News

Galloway National Park Association events in Girvan and New Cumnock completed the programme of public meetings.  Over the past few months they have attended 34 public meetings throughout the South of Scotland and talked to over 1,000 people. 
While they will take a short summer break from meetings the conversation continues on Facebook and Twitter.  Their next task will be to digest everything that has been said and then report all of to their Conference in the autumn. 
For more information check out the website .

The 1918 Poppy Pledge

November 27, 2018by adminDailly News

We will support Poppy Scotland’s ‘The 1918 Poppy Pledge’, with the aim of raising £1,918 [as specified by the Pledge] during 2018 to support the armed forces community living in Scotland.   

We will fly the Union Flag and Saltire from County Buildings for an extended period from Friday 2 November until Monday 12 November.       

We will participate in the annual Remembrance Service at Ayr Auld Kirk and wreath-laying ceremonies across South Ayrshire.We will promote the nationwide Day of Commemorative Events, based on communities coming together with pipers, buglers and beacons of light, which is being co-ordinated by Pageantmaster Bruno Peek LVE OBE OPR under the banner of ‘Battle’s Over: A Nation’s Tribute 11th November 2018’.   

We will promote local events organised to commemorate the centenary of the end of the First World War. We would like to encourage your group to get involved in these commemorations and to ensure South Ayrshire’s people and places have an opportunity to pay tribute to those who helped shape the world we live in today.Some further information on how to do this is set out below.

Knitted poppy banner

We’re looking for your help to create a knitted banner of 2018 poppies that will be displayed to mark the centenary of the end of the First World War.

You can donate as many knitted or crochet poppies as you like and these will be added to our camouflage netting banner donated by the Royal Highland Fusiliers. You can add your poppies directly to the banner on display at Ayr Town Hall, or leave your poppies in our special collection buckets at our customer service centres in Ayr, Maybole,Prestwick, Girvan and Troon.

Poppy patterns are available online at  or from our customer service centres or local libraries. All poppies should be provided by Friday 28 September 2018.

Battle’s Over: A Nation’s Tribute

A nationwide Day of Commemorative Events, based on communities coming together with pipers, buglers and beacons of light, is being co-ordinated by Pageantmaster Bruno Peek LVE OBE OPR under the banner of ‘Battle’s Over: A Nation’s Tribute 11th November 2018’.

Full details of what is planned – and how to register to take part – are available at www.brunopeek.co.uk.

Taking Action

November 27, 2018by adminDailly News

14th– 16th November in Stranraer “Taking Action”
The Scottish Rural Parliament brings together people from rural communities with decision-makers, for three days of celebration and exploration. Participants examine a wide-range of issues affecting rural communities and make recommendations for change.

I learned new things, was exposed to new ideas about eliciting information and commitment from people and I enjoyed the buzz that was created at the event and being part of it.

​Anyone who lives or works in rural Scotland, or who makes decisions which affect rural Scotland, can attend the Scottish Rural Parliament. It is free for people from community organisations to attend.

​We aim to ensure that each region of Scotland is well represented and that there is a good mix of people with different backgrounds and interests.

The Rural Parliament has the feel of something with enormous potential. It could become a brilliant opportunity to translate community empowerment into action.

​                              click on link to Scottish Rural parliament website

As you will be aware, Sunday 11 November 2018 marks the centenary of the end of World War 1, and a number of special commemorations are being organised across the country to mark this historic occasion. At full Council on Thursday 29 June, Councillors unanimously agreed the following motion, which sets out how this historic moment will be marked in South Ayrshire:

On Sunday 11th November 2018, the people of the United Kingdom and numerous countries across the world will mark the moment the guns fell silent at the end of the First World War. To play our part in remembering the sacrifice of millions of men and women, this Council agrees to commemorate this historic moment in the following ways:
We will work with people and communities across South Ayrshire to create a knitted banner of 2018 poppies that will become a long-lasting tribute to those lost in battle and that can be used at future Remembrance events.

Dailly Community Garden

November 27, 2018by adminDailly News

Open daily 10.00am – 3.00pm.
Dogs on leads allowed – please pick up any dog mess.
Also note that there is no short-cut through the Garden to the River.
Thank you
Garden Committee

Ayrshire Leader

November 27, 2018by adminDailly News

Ayrshire LEADER Local Action Group announce the launch of final round of grants available in 2018! If you have a new project that you are seeking funding to undertake, then please complete an Expression of Interest (EoI) via the Scottish Rural Network website: https://www.ruralnetwork.scot/…/le…/expression-interest-form – closing date for E of I’s is 29th September 2018 and full applications is 2nd November 2018, with decisions expected during December.
Sarah Baird
Programme Coordinator Ayrshire LEADER
Local Action Hub – 6 Beresford Court, Beresford Lane, Ayr, Scotland UK KA7 2DW sarah.baird@ayrshire-leader.com t: 01292 616655 www.ayrshire-leader.com

Level 2 Sample Courses

November 27, 2018by adminDailly News

Certificate in Awareness of Mental Health Problems
Certificate in Counselling Skills
Certificate in Introducing Caring for Children and Young People
If you or any colleagues are interested in enrolling for any of the available Courses, we have now launched our own VASA Microsite, where you can find information on all Qualifications, view online demos and access the Online Application Form; https://vasa.theskillsnetwork.com/

Biosphere Certification Mark

Earlier in June  we were joined by the Scottish Government’s Cabinet Secretary for Culture and Tourism, Fiona Hyslop and Dr Beth Taylor, Chair of the UK National Commision for UNESCO who officially launched the Galloway and Southern Ayrshire UNESCO Biosphere certification award which will be awarded to businesses that can demonstrate high standards in delivering environmental and sustainable development benefits. The launch of the certification mark was a first for any UK UNESCO designation and  an opportunity to highlight the global value of the UNESCO designations and the potential of the Galloway and Southern Ayrshire Biosphere to support sustainability, economic development and tourism in South West Scotland.

Over recent months a successful pilot scheme has taken place with 3 local businesses from the Accommodation, Food and Drink, and Outdoor Activity Sectors. Balkissock Lodge Bed and Breakfast, Adventure Centre for Education and Salad Brew which is a hydroponic salad and vegetable grower. Businesses using the certification mark hope to attract a premium value or more discerning customers.

The new scheme is free and more details on how to apply can be found by clicking here

PLACE in the Biosphere

A new 2 year project developed by Southern Uplands Partnership and the Galloway and Southern Ayrshire Biosphere, supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund, D&G Council and South Ayrshire Council.
Two project officers – Lynsay Forsyth and Jono Hudson – have just been appointed to work with communities in three contrasting landscape areas: the Borgue Peninsula; the Wigtownshire Moors; and the Stinchar Valley; to engage them more with their local natural and cultural heritage.

Bogus Callers, Rogue Traders and Scams – Be Safe

November 27, 2018by adminDailly News

You have probably heard or read about people being targeted by cold callers on their doorstep, over the phone or by mail, maybe it’s already happened to you! Most people who call will be genuine but some could try to trick you into
parting with money. What are the dangers?
Cold callers might want access to your financial information to con you out of money. Some may try to trick their way into your home claiming to be from the Council, Police or a utility company and then try to steal your valuables. They might try to convince you that repair and maintenance work needs carried out to your home. This could result in sub-standard work at an inflated cost or work that’s not needed at all. Be Safe
Know who you’re dealing with – if in doubt seek advice before dealing with cold callers.
Never make a decision on your doorstep no matter
how good the deal sounds – reputable traders should allow you time to think.
Don’t be afraid to say NO’.
If you feel threatened contact the Police.
Need a Trusted Trader? South Ayrshire Council runs a Trusted Trader scheme to help give you peace of mind. It’s a directory of local businesses that have been vetted by Trading Standards who have made a commitment to treat their customers fairly.
If you’re looking for a trader you can have confidence in, or if you’re a trader looking to join the Trusted Trader Scheme please contact

0300 123 0900 

Voluntary Action South Ayrshire (VASA) has teamed up with a national training provider, The Skills Network in Scotland, to offer all staff and volunteers of organisations in Ayrshire the opportunity to undertake a number of nationally recognised qualifications that are open to everyone and are completely free.

The Skills Network is one of the UK’s most successful providers of technology-enabled training and skills solutions, supporting educators, employers’ workforce development and individual learners across the UK, and internationally.
The courses are all offered as Online Distance Learning and ‘fully funded’ via the Government’s Adult Education Budget, meaning that everyone interested can complete the 10-12-week courses and also continue with work and social commitments. The Qualifications at Level 2 (SQA Level 5 equivalent) are free all year round, with some at Level 3 (SQA Level 6 equivalent) free for a limited time that would normally cost between £350.00 – £450.00.

About us

Welcome to the Dailly Parish community website!

The latest news will soon be displayed on this page so keep checking back for the latest local information for locals and visitors alike!